
Level 2 Reiki for People, Pets, and the Planet


Welcome to the empowering journey of Level 2 Reiki! This advanced training equips you with the ability to make grander positive changes for pets, people, and our planet. Highlights of the course include:

Empowering Healing: Experience the ability to create positive transformations for individuals, pets, and the environment.

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Welcome to the empowering journey of Level 2 Reiki! This advanced training equips you with the ability to make grander positive changes for pets, people, and our planet. Highlights of the course include:

Empowering Healing: Experience the ability to create positive transformations for individuals, pets, and the environment.

Support for children: For parents with children facing challenges in school, learn to send distant healing for enhanced focus, calmness, and improved grades, fostering confidence.

Advanced Pet Healing: Elevate your proficiency in healing pets with intensified energy flows. Acquire the skill of sending distant healing to support your furry companions while you’re away or during stressful situations, such as visits to the vet. Strengthen your connection with your pets and provide comfort and well-being, even from a distance.

Planetary Healing: Contribute to global well-being by sending healing energy to the planet, creating positive miracles for our world.

Miraculous Stories: Hear inspiring stories, including healers providing support during the 9/11 attacks, and offering comfort to those in need.

Level 2 eBook Manual: Receive a comprehensive guide to assist you throughout the learning process.

Post-Training Benefits:

Lifetime Access: Once you complete a level of Reiki Training with me, revisit that level anytime at no additional cost.

Ongoing Support: Enjoy continuous support and the opportunity to ask questions as you continue your Reiki journey.

Requirement: To enroll in this training, completion of Level 1 Reiki Training with me is mandatory.

This course is designed to empower you to contribute to the well-being of individuals, pets, and the planet.

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