

Your Journey to a Fulfilling Life

Transform your life and achieve your goals with professional and personalized support.


Wellness Coaching

Wellness Coaching

Transform your life and achieve your goals with professional and personalized support.

Drop Your Baggage and Create Joy

Description of course: Embark on a transformative 6-month journey with award-winning, globally renowned healer, Sue London, in the course ‘Drop Your Baggage and Create Joy.’ Join us on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Thursday of each month at 7 pm EST over Zoom as Sue channels messages from your angels, loved ones, and pets, offering profound insights and healing. In addition to your group coaching sessions, you will also receive either four 30-minute one-on-one sessions or two 1-hour one-on-one sessions with Sue. Throughout your 6-month journey, enjoy the added benefit of daily healings personally sent to you by Sue, enhancing your experience and supporting your transformation. Learn practical tools and tips to cultivate joy, release emotional baggage, and shape a life filled with positivity. This immersive experience includes personalized coaching, group sessions, and exclusive access to Sue’s healing expertise.  In addition to your group coaching sessions, you will also receive either four 30-minute one-on-one sessions or two 1-hour one-on-one sessions with Sue.

Invest in your well-being for $5000 and join our community of happy clients who have found lasting joy. Complete the form to apply and reserve your spot in this transformative experience.

I am so grateful and excited that you reached out! I look forward to helping you cope, heal, and move forward along your journey. Much Love & Many Blessings, Sue xoxo.

Pre Qualification Form


How Ready Are You?

If you have more questions please complete this form. This will help me know if you are ready to take this course. If you feel you are ready to move forward, click on the course below and we’ll get started in creating your joy.

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