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My story began when I was ten years old, sitting in art class in grade 6. I remember my teacher telling me, “You are no good at doing any kind of art, so bring a book to class to fill your time.” Those words crushed my self-worth and haunted me for many years. The phrase “You are no good” echoed in my mind, affecting how I saw myself. Years passed, and as I became a mother and taught nursery school, I never once picked up a pencil to draw, not even a stick figure, in front of my children.

But then, in March 2020, when the world was in quarantine due to COVID-19, everything changed. While many were learning to bake bread, I had a different experience. One day, I watched as a photo of my dog, Molly, mysteriously fell over in its frame. I knew it was Molly sending me a message from the other side, guiding me toward spiritual growth.

The message was clear: “Go to Michael’s Craft store, buy drawing paper and pencils, and I will guide you.” Without hesitation, I told my husband, Ross, about Molly’s message. Even though he had never seen me pick up an art pencil, he supported me fully, driving 34 miles and waiting in a long line just to pick up the supplies.

Once home, I was eager and curious for further guidance from Molly. She instructed me to draw a dog by looking at its photo. As I drew, something extraordinary happened—I felt the dog’s physical, emotional, and mental state more intensely than ever before. Throughout my life, I had always been sensitive to the feelings of others, but this process heightened my ability to connect on a much deeper level. I shared these feelings with the dog’s owner, who then took their pet to the vet. The diagnosis matched exactly what I had sensed.

I continued drawing, and with each piece, my confidence grew. One dog’s shoulder seemed off, and after countless attempts to perfect it, Ross reminded me of my own advice: “Everything happens for a reason.” I sent the drawing as it was, and the pet’s owner later confirmed that the vet had found cancer in that shoulder. Thankfully, through my healing work, the cancer went away.

Another time, I drew a dog whose eye didn’t look quite right to me. After several tries, I let go of my self-doubt and sent the drawing. Months later, the owner reached out to tell me that the drawing had been a warning—her dog had suffered a stroke, and the eye looked just like the one I had drawn.

I’ve spent time growing this ability, finally letting go of my grade 6 art teacher’s hurtful words and forgiving her. Now, when I draw, I’m confident. Sometimes I’m not sure what a drawing means at first, but I always come to understand its purpose. Often, I’m called to draw as a way to prepare to help someone—whether it’s a new client, a pet in need, or to reveal the angels that guide me and others.

I may not be Da Vinci, and I may never win a prize for my art, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that I’ve found a true gift—connecting on a deeper level to help pets and people. This experience has taught me an important lesson: Never let others’ words stop you from pursuing your passions. Listen to your thoughts and the guidance from your loved ones, pets, angels, and God. You never know what doors will open for you when you do.

To learn how to channel draw, where you create art intuitively by tapping into your subconscious mind or a higher source of inspiration, here’s a process that you can follow:

  1. Prepare Your Space

Create a Calm Environment: Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Dim the lights, light a candle, or play soft, ambient music to help you relax.

Gather Your Materials: Have your drawing tools ready—whether it’s pencils, pens, markers, or paints. Use whatever medium you feel most comfortable with.

  1. Set Your Intention

Focus Your Mind: Take a few deep breaths and set a clear intention for your session. Your intention might be to express an emotion, seek guidance, or simply allow your hand to move freely.

Clear Your Mind: Practice mindfulness or meditate for a few minutes to clear your thoughts and become fully present.

  1. Start with Freeform Movements

Warm-Up Your Hand: Begin by making random marks on the paper without worrying about form or structure. This helps loosen up your hand and lets your subconscious take over.

Don’t Overthink: Allow your hand to move freely without judgment or analysis. The goal is to bypass your conscious mind.

  1. Let Intuition Guide You

Follow the Flow: As you continue drawing, notice any shapes, patterns, or images that begin to emerge. Trust your intuition and let it guide your hand.

Stay Open: Don’t try to control the outcome. Allow the drawing to evolve naturally, and let your hand move wherever it feels drawn.

  1. Engage with Your Drawing

Reflect on the Image: Once you feel the drawing is complete, take a step back and look at what you’ve created. Reflect on any feelings, thoughts, or messages that come to mind.

Journal Your Thoughts: Write down any insights or emotions that arise from the drawing. This can help deepen your connection to the process and reveal hidden meanings.

  1. Practice Regularly

Make It a Habit: The more you practice channel drawing, the easier it will become to tap into your intuitive side. Set aside regular time for this practice.

Experiment with Techniques: Try different mediums, styles, and approaches to see what resonates most with you.

  1. Trust the Process

Stay Patient: It may take time to fully develop your ability to channel draw, so be patient with yourself.

Embrace Uncertainty: Understand that the process is more about the journey than the destination. Each drawing is a step toward deeper self-awareness and creative expression.

Unlock the messages your pets are eager to share! Whether they’re by your side or have crossed over, their thoughts and feelings are waiting to be heard. Schedule a consultation with Sue London today to connect deeply with your beloved pets and gain insights into their well-being, emotions, and guidance. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to strengthen your bond and bring peace to both you and your pets. Book your session now –

Wishing you much love and many blessings,

©2024 Meet Sue London, a beacon of compassion and inspiration in holistic healing. Sue is a globally renowned and award-winning Hospice Pet Doula, Pet Healer, Animal Communicator, and media host. As a Podcast Host, Author, Speaker, esteemed Healer, and Coach, Sue recently received the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award, recognizing her unwavering commitment to fostering healing and connection.

Sue’s journey is marked by resilience, triumphing over two near-death experiences, transforming her into a powerful bridge between the earthly and spiritual realms. Her unique ability to connect deeply with both individuals and animals, coupled with her coaching expertise, sets her apart globally.

Honored with the Humanitarian Award for 2023, Sue extends her transformative skills beyond pets to positively impact people’s lives.

At the heart of Sue’s work is her empathic gift, channeling heartwarming messages from the souls of people and pets. This unique talent offers closure, heals relationships, and fosters understanding. Sue’s transformative healing techniques, combined with her coaching, bring solace, guiding countless individuals toward inner peace and emotional well-being.

Explore Sue London’s offerings at Immerse yourself in her wisdom and healing energy as she continues to touch lives with dedication, compassion, and coaching expertise.


Sue London

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